Dehlvi Migrana Tablets

Dehlvi Migrana Tablets


Description :
Ailment: Migraine is caused by a spasm of large blood vessels in the brain. The onslaught of migraine has a ratio of 1:3 in males & females across the globe. The throbbing pain is directly related to constriction of blood vessels which brings about hallucinatory aura followed by its dilation.
Severe and throbbing migraine, usually located on one side of the head is relieved by MigraNa. The pain starts suddenly, sometimes in the eyes or around the sockets or temple area. It can spread to both sides of the head often followed by loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to sound, light, & smell or aversion to food. This condition continues for about four to seventy two hours. Such attacks may start in early childhood but it is noticed that patients develop such symptoms between the age of 10 and 30. It is considered to be hereditary in character and people with history of migraine in the family are more prone to this ailment. Around one third of the migraine attacks show some warning signals like scintillating visual effects, blind spots, zigzag flashing lights, numbness in body parts and visual distortions.
Composition :
Each 500 mg Tablet contains Terminalia chebula, Yellow (Har) 25 mg, Terminalia chebula, Brown (Har) 25 mg, Terminalia chebula, Black (Har) 25 mg, Terminalia belerica (Balela) 25 mg, Emblica officinalis (Amla) 25 mg, Cassia angustifolia (Sana Makki) 25 mg, Operculina turpethum (Nisoth) 25 mg, Polypodium vulgare (Khangali) 25 mg, Pistacia lentiscus (Mastagi) 25 mg, Cuscuta reflexa (Aftimoon) 25 mg, Coriandrum sativum (Dhania) 25 mg, Piper nigrum (Kali Mirch) 25 mg, Zingiber officinale (Sonth) 25 mg and Lavandula stoechas (Dharu) 175 mg.
Indication :
Throbbing headache on one side or both and migraine.
Dosage :
1 or 2 Tablets twice a day with water, better to take one dose before sunrise.
Dietary Advice :
Avoid triggers like Stress, fatigue, smoke, bright lights, dairy products, especially cheese, chocolate, eggs, oranges, spinach, bananas, wheat & wheat products, peanuts, citrus fruits, tomatoes, red meat & shell fish and alcohol (especially red wine and spirits) are some of the irritants that may trigger a migraine attack. Constipation, liver disorder or general congestion can also initiate the attack in some cases. Sometimes birth control pills, having estrogen may also act like a trigger. A proper dietary management helps in control of migraine. In some cases it is seen that suddenly weaning away from tea and coffee also acts like a trigger. A reduction in sugar intake, refined foods, nuts, fatty foods, animal products (meats and dairy), soda, and salt, helps in faster recovery. A lot of water intake and taking fibrous food like vegetables, whole grains, and vegetable proteins is recommended in regular diet of migraine patients.
Presentation :
in packs of 60 tablets.


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