ImmunHo Syrup

ImmunHo Syrup


Description :
What is immunity?
Immunity is the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells. Intake of suitable herbs is an important way to help reduce the risk and impact of virus infections, as well as to build a more powerful immune system over the long term.
ImmunHo Syrup is a powerful and suitable combination of 17 potent herbs like Tulsi, Haldi, Ashwagandha, Mulethi, Abresham, etc., that fight against viruses and produce strong immunity in the human body. It boosts the immunity naturally.
Sugar Free
Directions :
5ml to 10ml twice a day or as directed by the physician.
Presentation :
in packs of 200ml.


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